South DaCola

Sioux Falls Parks Board Meeting, May 16, 2017

2017-05-16 Parks Board Meeting

Here we go again, the Sioux Falls Park and Recreation Board met for 19 minutes in relative secrecy on May 16, 2017 at the Elmwood Golf Course Clubhouse.

You’ll notice they need more money for the mayor’s play palaces even though the faucet for cash is being turned off for everything else during this year’s budget battles. Let’s just say if you don’t ask you don’t receive?

A recap follows:
Report of Standing Committees: For committee reports, the Marketing and Public Needs Committee did not meet. Abdallah reported that the Park System Planning and Development Committee discussed all the items on the agenda, the golf course RFI, City Serve, and the Ice Master Plan. Nachtigal reported that the Partnerships and Recreation Committee discussed all the items on the agenda.

Under New Business
a. 2018 Operating Budget: Kearney presented the 2018 Operating Budget request. The budget request included an increase of $360,000 in nondiscretionary wages, benefits, and utilities. The new initiatives proposed included a part-time wage increase for operations and an increase for repair and maintenance of concrete and pavement for a total increase of $105,000. The total budget request including initiatives represents a 2.6 percent increase from the 2017 budget. A motion was made to recommend approval of the 2018 Operating Budget request. The motion passed unanimously with all present Board members voting yes.
Report of Director of Parks and Recreation
a. Kearney provided the Board with the updated Policies and Guidelines manual that was approved at last month’s meeting.
b. The Friends of Levitt surpassed their Chamber-approved fundraising goal with $1,130,000 raised to date.
c. The Recreation Manager position was posted yesterday and will advertise for three weeks.
d. The Assistant Director of Parks and Recreation job description is being reviewed and updated to reflect current needs for the is position.
e. The Golf Course RFEI has been out for advertisement for a couple weeks and has received good interest so far. The RFP will be drafted and advertised later this year.
f. Phase 1 of the bike trail reconstruction from Minnesota Avenue to Tomar Park started in April and is scheduled to be completed in June. Phase 2 will start in September, after the Sioux Falls Marathon, and will start at Tomar Park and end at Cliff Avenue.

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