I have been saying if MMM doesn’t make an announcement by this week, he probably won’t run for higher office (governor).

I am NOT basing my prediction on any chatter I have heard. In fact I have heard NOTHING. I just think when it comes to campaign finances and organization he is really behind the 8-Ball at this point.

I also think he wants to help with the transition of a new mayor in Sioux Falls and hopes his candidate Entenman wins.

I’m not saying Huether will never run for anything again, but may sit it out for two years. I also think there is a lot of things he wants to get done before he leaves office in 9 months, and running a governor campaign could get in the way of those plans. Expect Mike to be hammering the legacy hammer hard until he leaves.

10 Thoughts on “DaCola Prediction; Huether will NOT run for higher office, yet

  1. just jenkins on August 2, 2017 at 1:47 pm said:

    I would never befriend any kind of freaky ass dumbass
    with eyes like that
    they flash criminal

    iaal obg

  2. The D@ily Spin on August 2, 2017 at 3:11 pm said:

    He’s got months left as mayor. If he’s not running for another office, he’s gonna be brace about spending money the city doesn’t have. Is the 4 mil TIF without council approval yesterday just the start? Let’s get him out of office and keep him out. We’ve got enough play palaces and he used public money to buy himself 6 indoor tennis courts. What has he done for the middle and lower class? What didn’t he give away to the wealthy?

  3. Warren Phear on August 2, 2017 at 4:16 pm said:

    Helping enten man is spot on. If he wins then huether will be the guy behind the curtain.

  4. My Mistake Mike on August 2, 2017 at 5:00 pm said:

    I hear Rob Oliver has agreed to chair Entenman’s campaign. The second coming of MMM, indeed.

  5. scott on August 2, 2017 at 7:32 pm said:

    it will be a no cops, drunken orgy zone at j&l if diamond jim wins.

  6. hornguy on August 3, 2017 at 12:58 am said:

    He’d benefit a lot from a cycle or two out of elected office. The bad tends to fade from people’s minds a lot more quickly than the good, and voters are often susceptible to nostalgia.

  7. The D@ily Spin on August 3, 2017 at 8:52 am said:

    Other than winning 2 elections with hidden polling places, what are his credentials? Oh yeah, he hawked 35% credit cards the Feds finally outlawed. He didn’t serve his country in the military. Probably because there’s no thousand dollar uniforms in boys sizes. He’s spent millions without council approval and sells TIF’s to his buddies. Don’t forget the petition with 6400 signatures he vetoed because it was on a form provided by the city clerk. Favorably, once a year you get a tiny pork sandwich.

  8. The D@ily Spin on August 3, 2017 at 8:56 am said:

    He deserves what Munson got, a cubicle behind the mail room in a Sanford building with a job counting dust bunnies.

  9. l3wis on August 3, 2017 at 9:13 am said:

    “He didn’t serve his country in the military. Probably because there’s no thousand dollar uniforms in boys sizes.”


  10. The Guy from Guernsey on August 3, 2017 at 9:16 am said:

    The Guy Behind the Curtain ?
    I think more likely, if elected, Entenman would be to HisManMike(TM) as Howdy Doody was to Buffalo Bob Smith.
    There is no need for veils, curtains, nor smoke and mirrors in the political landscape which is this city and this state.
    Don’t believe me ? Most recent example: Doug Morrison and the Sioux Falls School District.

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