South DaCola

Did we get screwed in the secret siding settlement?

I still think if we would have put the siding issue out in the open on The Denty and had a transparent settlement we would have gotten the issue fixed like in Minnesota;

The $1.1 billion stadium in downtown Minneapolis was completed more than a year ago, but workers are still fixing panels in about half a dozen spots.

About 10 percent of zinc panels covering the outside of the stadium are being repaired. The work is expected to wrap up next month.

The Minnesota Sports Facilities Authority says the repairs are covered under warranty, and there is no cost to taxpayers.

Notice due to a ‘warranty’ Mortenson is fixing the panels at no cost. Makes you wonder what kind of warranty we had with the EC and if the siding could have been fixed? Also wondering when the SD Supreme Court will rule on the siding case, seems to be dragging out for a long time now.

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