Besides Garth doing 8 reruns of his show within a couple of weeks, it seems the reruns are starting to rear their head at The Denty;
Country singer Shania Twain will be returning to Sioux Falls during her 2018 “Now” tour.
Hey, I don’t have an issue with this, I mean, people still go to SkyForce games. Right? If it weren’t for Bill Cosby coming back to the Pavilion a dozen times or so, it may never had made a buck . . . wait, has it?
But honestly, I would like to see some more diverse entertainment. I just bought my first ticket to a show at The Denty, The Foo Fighters, and it was because a friend had an extra one to sell (I hate arena shows, but I don’t think the Foo Fighters are playing the Icon anytime soon).
I take issue with subsidizing the mortgage and maintenance on this building anyway, but if we are going to only use it for a large Grand Ole Opry it’s time we had a chat with management.