While one of his other opponents is busy selling overpriced American motorcycles, David has been working the crowd this week at the SE Fair. I spoke with David at the Fair Monday night, he said the response to his candidacy has been ‘Very Positive’ and people are looking forward from moving on from the current administration. Thank God for term limits!

8 Thoughts on “Sioux Falls Mayoral Candidate David Zokaites at the SE Fair

  1. Just as Rick Knobe was a precursor to Jimmy Carter, Donald Trump is one to David Zokaites….

  2. The D@ily Spin on August 10, 2017 at 7:07 am said:

    Where’s the thousand dollar suit? You can’t be mayor without that.

  3. anominous on August 10, 2017 at 10:00 am said:

    I seen him at a pawn shop last week.

  4. Stiles Bitchley on August 10, 2017 at 10:04 am said:

    The only person less likely to be elected mayor of Sioux Falls is Skippy Blechinger. We should all be thankful for the Don Quixote’s of this world. They make life interesting and provide important perspective.

  5. I think the mayor might be insulted that you think his suits only cost $1,000.

  6. Fluff Mc Fluffin on August 10, 2017 at 2:07 pm said:

    David Z. for Mayor…..perish the thought.

  7. Skippy was merely ahead of his time.

    I fondly remember an interview he did with KELO many years ago, during one of his candidacies, where KELO met up with him at his office (which, by the way, was a free access computer terminal at the public library) and during the interview you could not help but notice the computer screensaver behind Skippy, which repetitively mentioned his name on the screen…. Thus, Skippy had brilliantly turned an interview into a sly political ad at no cost to him…. Now that is a politician that you have to admire…. I also remember, that in that interview, he claimed the City had too big of a bureaucracy….. Like I said, he was just ahead of his time….. 😉

  8. Lemming on August 11, 2017 at 9:45 pm said:

    Ah, the Court Jester. He should wear the Fool’s hat and see if Rexxy stirs. He is running for Mayor simply for the his own perceived moment in the sun. No one takes him seriously. His weekly narrative at the council meeting is a waste of everyones time, but he seems to think he’s Elvis and just finished another concert in front of adoring fans.

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