Ah, secrecy, the thing that makes this Sioux Falls administration tick. What would we do if we actually had open and transparent government in Sioux Falls? We’re hard pressed to answer the question and in this video you will see Michelle Erpenbach proudly explain why she helped start the secret committee of the Sioux Falls City Council when Pat Starr finishes Cameraman Bruce’s questioning.

Remember September 5, 2017 as the spring 2018 elections roll in. We have a short time to prepare to open the books on the mess left by our chief marketing officer and his staff. Enough of this secrecy.

By l3wis

5 thoughts on “Councilor Starr Points out the Super Secret Operations Committee”
  1. Question time: So if there is no quorum, then does that mean that this “Operations Committee” is not in violation of public meeting laws?…. But if there are no posted agendas and no minutes, and not open to the public,then how do we know if there is a quorum, if a quorum is key to the PML issue?

  2. Former rubber stamper karsky says this double secret handshake committee was formed several months after the Debra Owen firing. Which is it? Before or after?

  3. He is right, it was Feb 21, 2012, right after Debra was fired and Sue Roust was filling in as interim city clerk.

  4. Do you remember when elected officials had productive public debates? That was long ago.

    It’s been said many times that most federal legislation is worked out in the congressional gym. NOT KIDDING. I guess that’s why Shcumer and McConnell are in such great shape.

    Rubber stamps have to get dipped in the ink once in a while. My guess this is their opportunity to get dipped in the mayors ink.

  5. We are slowly creating soulless political leaders, who are agents of big money and void of any genuine ideological or original bent…. No wonder the US Senate recently tried to pass a “Skinny Bill” on to conference….which was really just an attempt to pass on the buck…..

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