I know, I know. I had to do a double take when I saw the media release.
Jolene plans to make an announcement for mayor on Friday (9/8/2017) at 11:30 AM at the River Greenway Amphitheater.
I know Jolene seems to be a pretty easy going person that smiles a lot, but I’m not sure what kind of weird sense of humor she may have. In other words, is this some kind of publicity stunt to get out the vote, or is she serious?
In reality, she is NO different than Paul TenGallonManureScoop, running a media company. Another person that wants to sell us something.
At this point I am speechless and will await her official announcement before I make anymore assumptions. It takes a lot of confidence to run for mayor, maybe it is just brimming over in Jolene -Â maybe this is just what Sioux Falls needs.
Public office in Sioux Falls is low-hanging fruit these days for anyone with half a clue as to how to establish a personal brand (which makes Sioux Falls like every other place in America). If “My Man Mike” was enough to get Optimus Subprime elected mayor twice, no surprise that all these ad executives are coming out of the woodwork to run.
So you’ll have TenHaken, the motivational speaker/dude who runs obstacles courses on teevee, vs. Loetscher, the former reporter-turned-victims rights advocate who overcame being sexually abused as a child.
They’ll have shiny logos, focus-grouped visions, and a great strategy for online microtargeting. You know, the things that matter these days in a campaign. And they’ll be running against a bunch of current and former politicians at a time when that couldn’t be less helpful as a professional background.
If people thought Trump was qualified to be President, then surely any schmuck off the street can be mayor, right?
bwahahhahahaha she was so easy to make fun of back in the day.
I am still waiting for Skinny Miller to drop his hat in the ring. Pat O’Brien? Is Megyn Kelly available… (Does She know were SF is?)? Skippy, this could be your year. What about Lord Buckethead?
i wish munson would run again. he could hold his shut up and listen tapings at the hardees on east 10th.
Jolene v Nick, David, Kenny, Mike, Jim, Greg, and Paul. One female candidate vs seven male candidates – could make the run-off.
RV, that’s a very good point. I also think that Jolene could put a dent into Ron Popeil’s “Millennial Strategy” too….
Not qualified.
Reminds me of a Chicago “Community Organizer” becoming president.
Jolene Loetscher for Mayor
You’ve got to be kidding me!
This is turning into a real dog and pony show!
If Chump is qualified to be president then, by all means, she is qualified to be mayor (not that I care). Qualifications mean nothing…it’s all about money.
What is needed, but will never again happen, is to have an ethical public servant NOT swayed by the $$$ of special interests or sycophants with their noses stuffed so far up their benefactors anuses (MMM/TDenny).
Good luck with that!
I just wonder what makes one “qualified” for the position in your apparent other-than-humble position. Is it education level, type, political experience….BULL. I’ve met many many highly educated IDIOTS over my 58 years…many of them in government elected positions!
A woman for mayor sounds good but maybe Stehly. The city is a financial mess. I’d like to see a REAL business financial type to clean things up. Male or female, who could that be?
Say what –
My grandpa Carl had a 6th grade education and I still consider him one of the smartest people I ever met. Ran a multitude of businesses throughout his life, including a family farm, restaurant and construction company. He also was a hell of a mechanic and arborist. Anything my grandpa planted grew.
You are right, in this town if you play the reindeer games, say the right things, kiss the right asses and know the right people, you do well. Doesn’t matter what you know.
What is needed, but will never again happen, is to have an ethical public servant NOT swayed by the $$$ of special interests or sycophants with their noses stuffed so far up their benefactors anuses (MMM/
I have had the occasion to speak with Jolene a couple of times in the last few years. Strikes me as the type of person described above. She’d be a hell of a lot better than what we got.
Hahaha hornguy: “Optimus Subprime”, that’s a good one.
All i no or seen of jolene loescher is she used to be on channel 16 once in a while and then before that, she used to be on channel 7. Or was it 5. I don’t think it was ever 3 but, I could be wrong. She had a sit down show where they talk in front of that so poorly made up fake soo granite backdrop that looks like the set for Svengoolie.
“She’d be a hell of a lot better than what we got.” Warren Fear makes a good point. Huether has been ‘spend and not pay’ like a teen with their first credit card. It’s to bad he came along during boom time. The next mayor will be busy trying to make financial repairs. He/she won’t have time for Huether ego. Meanwhile he’ll be playing tennis on his choice of 6 private indoor tennis courts we paid for.
Okay LJL…again…in your opinion what makes one “qualified” for elected position? Someone that looks good on camera…what? That was an ig’nant (sic) comment…
Also, just to be clear, I don’t support anyone until I hear them present positions (Jolene or others). I don’t toe party lines…they’re quite corrupt on both sides but that is the nature of U.S. today! Our political state is F**&ed and I see no hope, especially in this state where, when the people spoke (voted), and our corrupt legislators found a way to “look out for our best interest”, find a way to throw out what the majority wanted.
What good is a vote?
The list of candidates for mayor of Sioux Falls is beginning to resemble the litany of Republican presidential candidates from 2016. But the one who will most likely prevail will be the one who calls for a return to basics…. “More Basics and less Building”….. Which means a return to a commitment to plowing, sweeping, and maintaining our roads first and foremost…. (Let’s Make Sioux Falls Great Again!
I await with patience your list (re. opinions) of “qualifications” for public office. Please entertain us…or STFU.
What about a former mayor of Wasilla, Alaska and a half term governor at that, would such a person be qualified to be the VPOTUS?
Holy shit do you people live on this blog. I got better things to do than debate morons.
Being the manager of dog poo picker-upers and making websites does not make you qualified to manage the multi-million dollar city budget and hundreds of employees. Did you read her resume or are you just really good friends with her? She and Mr click brain are using the election to get pub.
Yes it really does take “what you know” to be a good leader of this size of operation. Do you not understand in our type of city government, the mayor really is the person in charge? With the amount of debt that this jackass has anchored us with, the next mayor is going to need to be smart.
Again EC….get a grip and ease up on comedy central news. Still waiting for you to have an original thought.
And I will never SFU so stick it in your ass tough guy.
“SFU”? Me either but then again I won’t make unqualified blanket statements about ANYONE. “Not qualified”, is purely subjective on your part with no substantive info to back it up…so yeah STFU. Think before you type asswipe! I worked in the system for 28+ years alongside many ass-kissing sycophants promoted through knee-dropping subservience. Instead of doing what was required in their respective positions (i.e. job) they were too busy applying chapstick…you sound just like one of em…you must be on the “inside”!
Oh really, original thought, huh? Well, I was the first to describe the state legislature as the “House of Lords” legislature. I was the first to claim that Sioux Falls workers are the victims of wage collusion and, oh yah, I blogged often last year about the pending Trump presidency, when most dismissed my prediction…. And as far as CCN is concerned, what channel is it on? I seldom watch it….
Meds…..You both need em.
She has cleaned up after the town’s pups, a job no one else was willing to do. Seems like a good metaphor for the job of next mayor, post-Huether. I will probably vote for her.