South DaCola

Mayor’s Lack of Transparency is Astounding

2017-09-19  Sioux Falls Council Meeting - 2629

As you can see, the council meeting was almost 3-1/2 hours long. You can watch the 3-Ring circus yourself,  it was a doozy.

I find it ironic the mayor likes to whine about how long the meetings are and tries to limit public input, even taunting us and making off-hand remarks after we testify. But guess who comes up with the agenda? Yup, the mayor’s office. The meeting could have been shorter.

Throughout the meeting, all the agenda items I commented on encompassed the same message, transparency, anti-corruption, working openly with the council and keeping taxes and fees low.

The mayor just doesn’t get it. I have often wondered if in his early professional career he was very truthful and open with his superior and that superior used his honesty and transparency against him. It only takes ONE good burn to have lifelong scars.

Transparency and Openness is the Hallmark of Good Government and a Healthy Democracy. Mike doesn’t get, he still thinks he works in the very dark world of schlumping subprime credit cards.

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