You would think with all the contradictions in the contract and what we were told, Mayor Huether would have had better things to do yesterday besides dressing like Howdy Doody.

I have to be honest with you, when the city released the settlement yesterday, I was a little surprised. I was also surprised by how bad it was.

When I present my theories I usually give ‘worst case’ scenario. So when the truth comes out and it is worse, I’m not sure what to think. I’m still in shock.

Bruce and I have been pursuing this for over two years, and quite honestly I never expected the AL to win their case in the SD Supreme court. But I still wasn’t going to give up. Over a month ago, I reminded Bruce we need to do some more siding videos (we have lots of footage that has never been published).

I still think someday it will need to be repaired, sooner rather than later.

But in some ways, this wasn’t about the siding (or the roof) it was about the administration, lying again. I have been pointing out for over seven years the lies that come from the administration, so when you have vindication like this, it’s shocking, like I have already mentioned.

But I still am not in ‘celebration’ mode. Even when Bruce shook my hand last night congratulating us on this, I still have a lump in my stomach over it. Over the past three days I have had a sense of sadness. Pity not only for the taxpayers of Sioux Falls, the Media and the Council, but for the mayor. I don’t take much joy in this. I just wish at least our local elected officials and the public employees who work for them would use a little integrity, honesty and common sense. This did not take place. It is a very low point in Sioux Falls city government, and I’m sure once the contractors start talking, this is going to get a whole lot messier.

So what do I think should happen? Well barring the mayor is not willing to admit guilt and apologize, I think he should resign and take any public employee involved with this with him. As we know, his head is so large, it probably won’t happen.

But that won’t stop ethics complaints. Either way, any political capital the Mayor thinks he might have all got flushed down the toilet on Thursday. It’s probably best if he just holed himself up at his swamp cabin until May.

By l3wis

9 thoughts on “My REAL feelings on the Siding Settlement? A SAD EVENT.”
  1. All hail King Huether. He’s to good to answer to citizens. This city is like other kingdoms. The king is master and supreme deity. Just don’t give him missles. Then he becomes another ‘Rocket Man’. Just so we don’t have to live in boxes and live off insects and rats. Call center cubicles and fast food health hazards are acceptable until there’s enough blogger soldiers to start a riot.

  2. I watched the replay of last Tuesday’s City Council meeting.

    Towards the end of the 3 hr meeting, I was shocked to hear the personal attack the mayor directed at a private citizen, Scott Ehrisman, following his public input.

    Huether continued to hurl insults at Ehrisman throughout the last minutes of the Council meeting.

    He is as thin-skinned and as vindictive as he was the first day he took office in 2010.

    For 8 years, he has talked about growing up on the ‘wrong side of the tracks’. Perhaps he never did success in overcoming those circumstances.

    My guess is there are many who will be glad when he leaves office including many city employees.

  3. His ego is way, way to big for him to ever admit he is wrong. I do not think he even realizes he can be wrong. He assumes whatever he did is right and will find every way he can to justify his behavior.

  4. sfc – once you come to the conclusion, like I have a long time ago, that the mayor is a loser, the personal attacks don’t bother you much.

  5. hopefully in 4 years when mmm runs for king again, his opponents will bring up the settlement and hammer him with it at every turn.

  6. Most who encounter Huether recognize him as insane. He’s the kid on the block who is the worst player. You must let him play or he’ll take his ball home and there’s no game. Be careful or he’ll cry with a tantrum until his wife shows up. If he grew up poor, so are the Trumps.

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