South DaCola

Oh Boy, I can’t wait, really I can’t

How ironic, a few days ago I was going to do a post about how a certain TV station’s morning show is just one long info-commercial, now it is going to get a little longer;

Beginning September 2018, KSFY will produce a new hour-long program at 9:00 a.m. Monday through Friday.

The program does not have a title yet, but it will feature a mix of news, weather and lifestyle programming.

News and weather will take up about 5 minutes and the rest will be poor Vanessa Gomez driving all over God’s country trying to find the best hamburger in Ziebach County. At least Jodi Schwan admits what she does ‘Content Marketing’. But the TV stations try to disguise their info-commercial programming with news. It’s not news. Heck, they even have to bring the expert of Content Marketing in their studio once a week to get it right.

Some wonder why people these days are so confused of what is going on, especially politically. Most people don’t even show up to elect local government officials. Why is this? Because our news media consistently concentrates on who the latest skank is that hasn’t paid their rent or the latest casino robbery. I get demonized sometimes for blogging about local politics, some say I’m too negative. Hey, the facts are the facts, I can’t control that. And guess what else, a cheeseburger in Chicago tastes just like one in Ziebach County. But covering cheeseburgers is a lot more safe than covering the actual political news, and it seems more lucrative. So I guess I’m the fool for not figuring out how to make a buck.

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