South DaCola

Some ‘polite’ advice to Jolene Loetscher

Who am I to give campaign advice? I guess I have helped with a couple of successful campaigns (initiatives and candidates) and lost some pretty bigs ones to. But I think when it comes to city politics, I have learned a lot over the years. I also think I am good judge of character when it comes to people and especially people who are running for office.

I’m not going to give Jolene political advice – at this point. I think Jolene is smart enough to understand politics, and I think she is a quick learner. I don’t think she needs policy advice and I think she has a nice boiler plate platform on the issues;

• Strong and Safe Families

• Economic Development

• Smart Spending

• Work-Play Opportunities

Like I said, not enough time to debate and discuss her platform.

I want to talk about first impressions. On Friday I watched Jolene’s announcement and then I watched all of her videos on her website.

As you know, we have a multitude of candidates running with a multitude of different personalities, ALL MEN. Some want to concentrate on our streets, some want to concentrate on economic development and some want us to know they wear jeans, everyday, so get used to it.

Before people start ragging on me about picking on Jolene because she is woman, I will say this; I prefer female leaders in government, I think they think about two-sides of the issue. Unlike men, women tend to look at both the social and fiscal part of legislation and also have more compassion. We need more women and more compassion in government.

So what is my first impression of Jolene’s campaign?

• Your introductory videos are over produced. You are selling yourself not a can of COKE. Don’t fall back on Social Media too much, good old fashioned door knocking works.

• I struggle with taking you seriously when you talk about liking cupcakes and not being able to dance. I think most voters want to like their candidates, but they really don’t want to hang out with you. Talk policy every freaking chance you can. I know Jolene understands it, show us.

• Government is serious business, especially running a $450 million dollar a year business. You come across as not serious and something you are just doing it for the experience and for FUN. People in our community are suffering, a lot of people are underemployed or unemployed, addicts, economically vunerable, mentally ill, victims of violent crime or discriminated against. You have to appeal to them also, and making Sioux Falls sound like some kind of play land just isn’t going to bode well with the working class.

I think Jolene has potential. While the cupcake talk and holding up the baby on the bike trail might appeal to the soccer moms, it’s the elderly men in this town that vote the most, especially in municipal elections, and more than likely the elderly ladies that are stuck to them vote the same way. They are your major demographic, like it or not. They are the retired working class of our community. If Jolene is going to challenge 7 men or more for the mayor’s office, she needs to get serious, and quickly. You can work on the dance lessons later.

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