South DaCola

UPTOWN II Tax Increment Financing (TIF) DOES NOT benefit the public

2017-09-06 Planned for what?

You can watch the whole Sioux Falls Planning Meeting,

2017-09-06  Sioux Falls Planning Commission - 2632

notice how there is almost ZERO discussion before approving the Lloyd TIF. How ironic, our planning commission will horse trade for 45 minutes over the timing of a church’s electronic billboard but spend only a few seconds on giving away a $4.1 million dollar tax rebate to a wealthy developer.

Heck, even after George Hahn came and pointed out their tax valuations were incorrect and the TIF should be deferred until those numbers can be corrected, they still marched forward.

Hey, what’s a few million here and few million there when we are short changing public education? They will just raise taxes on the worker bees to make up for it.

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