South DaCola

Administration’s Presentation on siding settlement ironically full of holes

You can watch the replay and read the presentation HERE. (FF to Aprox 29:00)

I won’t go into a lot of detail since it was a very long meeting, but there was something NEW that came from the discussion.

The city attorney said that due to state statute they don’t HAVE to release the forensic report about the siding, BUT they can as pointed out by councilor Starr. The administration refuses to release the report and told the council to take Public Works Director Mark Cotter’s word for it that it is structurally sound.

When councilor Neitzert asked about the ‘corroding edges’ email in the below invoice for the report work, NO ONE from the administration would comment on what that meant.

This worries me.

There may be a followup meeting to digest all that was said today. I think moving forward the council should use some of the money leftover in the building fund (around $3 million) to conduct their own independent study on the structural integrity of the siding and put this to rest once and for all.

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