11 Thoughts on “UPDATE: City of Sioux Falls Citizen Board Listing

  1. L3wis, the naming committee is one of the things we learned during the Powderhouse Road debacle with Tex Golfing.

    The naming committee is how he was able to push through his vanity name without anyone being able to see it until it was dropped on the City Council to approve.

    This is a committee requiring citizen participation. A group of city employees should not be considered all knowing. None of the employees on the committee knew anything about the history of the road name and the lives lost. Rex showed how pathetic and vain he is in this effort. The committee showed how they could be weak and easily swayed by an authoritarian they had to work with. Only independent citizens could have brought in the history of our places needing names.

  2. Definitely Transparency on October 8, 2017 at 12:05 pm said:

    Isn’t it a convenience that the city staff can approach and select their own rubber stamps rather than having a fair open process of equal treatment for all interested applicants.

    I also noticed that Kearney serves on a sports advisory while managing the parks department.

  3. South Dacola, maybe you are already planning to do this, but someone should take a map of Sioux Falls, create a board shall we say, and place pins at the home addresses of each of these board members. I think we all know where most of the pins would be placed, but it would be a further interesting incite into who, what, and where are truly representing us at City Hall.

    But then again…. 😉 …….:


  4. Mark Young on October 8, 2017 at 4:05 pm said:

    There are three citizen members on the City Naming Commission. I am one of them.

  5. Hmm, thanks for that info. We will have to look and see why the citizens are not listed.

  6. Warren Phear on October 8, 2017 at 8:15 pm said:

    Powderhouse Rd and rolfing? Need a refresher on that one.

  7. Some of the city boards are actually 501(c)(3) public charities (e.g., the Pavilion, Multi-Cultural Center, and the Zoological Society). The city has the right to appoint a minority of the board members to these boards, but does not appoint all members. Please note that Larry Ritz is deceased and no longer on the Zoo Board.

  8. Why doesn’t the city have a current list available for examination or download? Oh yea, so many of the board members are doing our public business in private like mmm, Erp, Rex and Kiley say?

  9. WP, Rex was searching for a vanity project. He decided we didn’t need a road named Powder House. Rex went to the previously unknown Naming committee and wanted it renamed Veteran’s Parkway. The committee decided to do what they were told at a time no one knew about and agreed. Rex’s dropped a Resolution on the city council in 2014 during a 7pm meeting and without anyone seeing it or knowing of it ahead of time it was pushed through. Our local history group tried to save the Powder House name but rex had to do the change for his own vanity.

    Our website http://www.sfmeetings.org has the following history:

    August 12, 2014 – City Council Meeting:

    A motion was made by Council Member Rex Rolfing and seconded by Council Member Kenny Anderson Jr. to adopt said Resolution No. 97-14.

    Vote to adopt: Roll Call: Yeses, Kenny Anderson Jr., Christine M. Erickson, Michelle Erpenbach, Greg Jamison, Dean Karsky, Rick Kiley, Rex Rolfing, 7.
    Noes, 0.
    Motion Passed.

    RESOLUTION NO. 97-14
    WHEREAS, South Dakota has a proud and distinguished history of dedicated military service by men and women of this state whose courage, heroism, and sacrifice preserve the liberties and democratic way of life set forth in our state and federal constitutions; and
    WHEREAS, South Dakota is the proud home of more than 75,000 military veterans who have served their country long and well and who bring great honor and distinction to the state; and
    WHEREAS, South Dakota is home not only to active duty service personnel and veterans but also to the countless family members of these men and women who display the same dedication, courage, and sacrifice; and
    WHEREAS, we should never forget the sacrifices made by more than 2,800 South Dakotans, including 294 military personnel from Minnehaha and Lincoln counties since World War I, who gave the ultimate sacrifice defending the principles of freedom, liberty, and justice; and
    WHEREAS, in times of conflict around the globe, it is particularly appropriate to recognize South Dakotans in all branches and components of the Armed Services who serve around the world to protect the security and peace of our nation and other nations.
    If there aren’t any “WHEREAS” phrases, skip “NOW, THEREFORE” and begin with just “BE IT RESOLVED…”
    That the Sioux Falls City Council strongly urges the South Dakota Department of Transportation to rename South Dakota Highway 100 and its future expansion to Veterans’ Memorial Parkway.

    Date adopted: 08/12/14

    February 17, 2015 – Informational meeting:
    David added that the City Street Naming Committee has begun the process to rename Highway 100 to Veterans Parkway. Discussion followed.

    July 14, 2015 – Informational meeting:
    Council Member Kermit L. Staggers spoke about the process for changing a street name. Council Member Rex Rolfing provided additional details regarding the background on the name change on Powder House Road/Highway 100. Discussion followed.

    Rolfing gave a presentation on the renaming of Highway 100 / Powder House Road. Rolfing provided clarification on which areas are going to be renamed. Discussion followed.

  10. 4byFord on October 9, 2017 at 10:07 am said:


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