Informational Meeting

It starts with a presentation from building services than the administration makes a second attempt at squelching the siding settlement kerfuffle. I’m hearing that the administration is trying to tie up any loose ends at this meeting. Some on the council want it to die also. But I still think they need to pursue a 2nd opinion on the matter. We will see who truly supports transparency.

UPDATE: It ends with an executive session (CANCELLED), which I assume may have to do with the upcoming golf management contract. Maybe councilors will finally be getting the info they are asking for? Maybe they will be told to STFU.

Who knows?

But I am told by DaCola foot soldiers on the street rumors are that Dakota Golf Management will get the renewal though GreatLife has the better offer.

Land Use Committee

Right after the informational, the council will dive into one topic at this committee meeting, an update on boulevard gardens and plantings. It will be interesting to see how this has been going. I plan a boulevard display this summer.

City Council Meeting

While we Him and Haw about what happened to the ever dwindling events center settlement, in Item#1 of approval of contracts we are spending over $100K on premium seating.

There is also a steady course of zoning items and we finish with filling multiple citizen board seats. Something the mayor would never give up, but seems to struggle with keeping up.

2 Thoughts on “UPDATE: Sioux Falls City Council Agenda, October 17, 2017

  1. I do hope the city decides to fill the pot holes around town first. Please take care of the roads first.Winter is almost here and im sick of the city fixing the main streets and anything leading to events center and the mall and more expensive neighborhoods so many problem roads and streets in and around town to count .stop building mega buildings and parking ramps and toys for the rich and fix our bloody streets.

  2. The D@ily Spin on October 15, 2017 at 12:08 am said:

    What seems benevolent is that the city council is special interests. They take their freedom for granted. They do not represent the people. It’s evident they didn’t serve their country in uniform and their perspective is self interest. These are those that run while others earn a Purple Heart.

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