South DaCola

Sioux Falls City Council should vote against Downtown Parking ramp based solely on what we learned from secret siding settlement

Last night at the city council meeting councilor Pat Starr chastised community development and parking for keeping the council in the dark about the proposed downtown parking ramp. The administration asked for an additional $30K for legal fees before the council has even approved the funding. (FF: 44:00)

This project continues to get delayed, and no one knows why, the public or the council. But they continue to ask for more and more money.

Councilor Starr complained about the secrecy involved, and rightfully so. I think with all of the kerfuffle yesterday about the secret siding settlement this should set a precedent moving forward that the council votes NO on all RFPs they are left in the dark about, as they have with the backroom negotiations with this project.

I think moving forward if the council and public are NOT receiving information about these projects before approving them, they should vote them down and demand transparency.

As I have said, if you are doing business with the public, that becomes public information, whether you are a private developer or not. This secrecy cannot continue, and we can’t wait for a new council and mayor to remedy this massive problem, the council must act TODAY.

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