UPDATE: The ethics commission will soon be giving a written advisory opinion on what happened today. A citizen asked if it was OK for Jill Entenman to be on the Charter Revision Commission with her husband, Jim Entenman running for mayor. IT WAS NOT a complaint, it was a request for an opinion on the matter. The ethics commission determined it was OKAY for Jill to serve on the CRC but she SHOULD recuse herself when they are voting on matters that involve revisions that have to do with the mayor or the mayor’s office or duties.
The commission is set to meet in the old city council chambers at city hall, 3 PM.
Someone asked an ‘opinion’ on the ethical importance of citizen board members and conflicts of interest with candidates that are running in the Spring election.
Since you can’t technically ask for an ‘opinion’ anymore, it will appear as a complaint (even though it is NOT).
Ethics, what ethics? This whole thing is a fascade made to look like something real that represents democratic principals. They are appointed by the mayor who is a proven fascist.
Apparently, you must be a relative to serve on a city board. In a city of 170,000, I think there could be impartial representatives. We’re poor and unrelated. Is there some chance we can be heard.
From the Argus Leader story: “But even with that rate of success, election data from the City Clerk’s Office indicates Charter amendments don’t drive voter turnout.” http://www.argusleader.com/story/news/city/2017/10/25/ethics-board-no-conflict-candidate-spouses-serving-charter-revision-board/801207001/
This shows how narrow the thought process is in these issues. No one said the Charter issue drive people to the polls. A potential abuse in a case like this is the ability of an appointed person to propose a possible loophole for his or her spouse could use once in office. It isn’t only financial it could be influence or more sinister.