Who would have thought this video would touch such a nerve when we posted it in 2014. City employee Darin McDonald was fined for his dumpsters during an interesting time of property transfers in his neighborhood. Dan Daily had the SD Supreme Court declare code enforcement process in Sioux Falls unconstitutional and still has not been fixed. Cameraman Bruce was arrested for raspberries and garlic only to have the judge tell the city to leave his yard alone.
Project Trim, flowers in the boulevards, campers, grass, snow, sidewalks and so many citizen irritations caused by overzealous out of control city administrations. There are so many more and we will be highlighting them as we can get the information. If you have a story to tell, let us know. You never know what can be done.
The fallout is happening and it is filling dumpsters. South Dakota has already declared this process unconstitutional but Sioux Falls keeps doing it anyway. Testimony on Tuesday September 9, 2014 was an interesting day for the City Council of Sioux Falls SD.
During the open discussion portion of the regular council Informational session, Kermit Staggers brought up a discussion of code enforcement abuse performed by city officers on behalf of troubled neighbors. It was a good topic to bring up.
Some of the councilors did not understand why it was an issue. It seems the people being abused don’t feel their councilors care enough to help them to even ask them for help. Who is left to answer and fight for the average public? Kermit.
Michele Erpenbach and Dean Karsky decide to stick up for the mayor and his administration. Nothing new from them. Greg Jamison tries to discuss the compromise reached among the council a few years ago but they seem to have forgotten to reach out to the community, like usual.
At the Public Input portion of the regular Council meeting, Darrin McDonald had a great presentation on the city snitch program. Dumpsters, dumpsters and more dumpsters mostly owned by the city are in violation of city code. Where are the citations due the mayor, Pavilion, Sheraton?
Before the City Hall lurkers bombard us with abuse they should look at their own backsides.
The Council needs to rein in the code enforcement mess in Sioux Falls. Code enforcers are used by nasty ‘Good’ neighbors to hurt many neighbors in this best little city. Once a citizen tries to work with our code enforcement staff, they know you are a sucker, so look out. Once they know you are weak, they will find ways to abuse the law to hurt you. So look out.
Cameraman Bruce Danielson

By l3wis

3 thoughts on “What? Code Enforcement? No, citizen abuse and dumpsters”
  1. What code enforcement lacks is diplomacy. Their first contact is an attack. Often, citizens are not aware there’s a violation. Immediate assaults makes them defensive. When they discover the process is neither fair nor constitutional, they get angry.

    It’s not just code enforcement, any city interaction with the public is aggressive and defensive. Police start every public interaction with a defensive posture and harsh words. Other city employees are ashamed to admit where they work. Generally, the public regards the city as an entity we don’t like but must tolerate.

    Isn’t it time for a city charm school specialized in manners and public respect?

  2. Dan you must not have had a recent interaction with our city cops. Most of them are very decent unless you are a jerk to them first. Am I getting warm?

  3. City should send some code enforcement officers out to the bike trail in front of falls overlook cafe to deal with those nasty tree roots that have ruined the sidewalk there. Some doofus evidently planted a row of cottonwoods and refuses to fix the bulging concrete.

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