South DaCola

When are we going to get serious about Gun Control?

As we both know, the best advice we get from A+ Rating from the NRA senator John Thune is that people need to learn how to dodge bullets;

“I think people are going to have to take steps in their own lives to take precautions,” he opined. “To protect themselves. And in situations like that, you know, try to stay safe. As somebody said — get small.”

Thanks John for your leadership.

Some wonder why our DC representatives are so scared of gun control? Well the first reason is obvious, the gun lobby and the NRA owns them.

But as others have pointed out, years ago when someone poisoned a handful of people using non-childproof Tylenol bottles, we childproofed them and required seals.

When terrorists flew planes into the World Trade Center, we created the TSA and have restricted every kind of cutting device you can imagine, shoes and even shampoo.

But for some reason, we don’t want to restrict guns.

It would actually be quite simple. I have suggested a few of the things we could do;

We could limit the number of guns people can legally have and rounds of ammo. I don’t think anyone should be allowed to own more than one rifle, one shotgun and one pistol.

I think everyone who owns a gun should go through an extensive mental health and criminal background check, along with a gun safety course (you have to know how to safely operate a gun, lock up a gun, etc.)

You must have a license that says you passed these tests and it should be renewed each year with a renewal fee.

People have a 2nd amendment right to own a gun, but that doesn’t mean we cannot limit that ownership legally. If we can prevent felons from voting, we can prevent them from having a gun.

But I think one of the most blistering criticisms comes from Rosanne Cash, who has been a gun control advocate for decades;

“For the past few decades, the National Rifle Association has increasingly nurtured an alliance with country music artists and their fans,” Cash wrote. “You can see it in ‘N.R.A. Country,’ which promotes the artists who support the philosophical, if not economic, thrall of the N.R.A., with the pernicious tag line ‘Celebrate the Lifestyle.’”

“That wholesome public relations veneer,” she continued, “masks something deeply sinister and profoundly destructive. There is no other way to say this: The N.R.A. funds domestic terrorism.”

Cash went on to claim that “a shadow government exists in the world of gun sales.”

I agree 100%, not just because it is true but has been blatantly obvious for years.

“The stakes are too high to not disavow collusion with the N.R.A,” she concluded. “Pull apart the threads of patriotism and lax gun laws that it has so subtly and maliciously intertwined. They are not the same.”

Some say gun control won’t work, they of course have stood by this mantra for years, because the NRA has been giving them their talking points and loads of cash.

I say, “What’s the harm in trying?” things certainly are NOT getting better with our current policies.

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