Listen to what Jolene says about the EC and it’s visitors;

I have been saying for awhile, besides the tax revenue from ticket sales, the Events Center is acting as a vacuum with money going out of our city.

Speaking of Jolene, here is a fundraiser she is having;

By l3wis

9 thoughts on “At least one mayoral candidate agrees, too much money going out the door from The Denty”
  1. But her solvency to develop the area only takes more money out of the area and into the hands of major retailers located in other areas of the country, doesn’t it?

    Her idea, plus the recent announcement of the new hotel in Sioux Falls (actually two new hotels in town announced this week) are examples of shining new buildings filled with underpaid service jobs, and thus a greater exacerbation of the affordable housing crisis in this town…

    We need real jobs, we need candidates willing to admit to the wage collusion in this town, and we need a candidate who calls for a City ordinance demanding that employers mention their wage scale in their employment ads, and we need effective ordinances passed for the building service department to allow building services in the future the capability and enforcement mechanisms to prevent a future building collapse…. Not to mention we need to get back to the basics of sweeping and plowing our streets in this town…. “Less building and more basics in 2018!”…..

  2. Hell yeah! Where do I sign up for one of those houses built under the flight landing path? That’d be awesome, no matter my tax bracket!

  3. EC and Fluff, for clarification I’m just saying that Jolene and I agree on ONE aspect of the EC, it’s a money vacuum. In no way do I agree we can turn that part of town in an Entertainment District. We could build more hotels, but as an entertainment district, not way, we already have that DT. And as we see lately, businesses DT seem to be opening as fast as they are closing. Let’s face it already and just move forward, the Denty was built in the wrong location. Downtown or somewhere near the Mall area would have made more sense. As for fixing the money vacuum, I have suggested in the past and again Tuesday night when renewing SMG’s contract, we need more of the EC money circulating back in the community. That means taking the risk to promote more show internally, creating local partnerships with LOCAL business with these shows.

  4. OH, I hear yah l3wis. I am glad a politician is finally talking about the Events Center the way you have been doing and leading the fight on that for sometime. But I guess I am sick and tired of where this mayoral race is going – and all of these dreamy ideas about an entertainment district are not a real or legitimate issue or concern…. Rather it is a phony issue to hopefully appease the masses while you further empower the wealth/elite in this town.

    Right now, we have a choice between candidates running for mayor in this town because they are backed by the elite – we even have one running who thinks that being the second coming of Thune somehow qualifies him – and we other candidates running because they are the children of former and late politicians. But where’s the mayoral candidate who wants to talk about the real issues like wages, affordable housing, crime, and maintaining our streets? Those are the real issues in this town, but the current candidates cannot talk about issues like that as long as they hold fundraisers with, and are dependent upon, the elite in this town to get elected!

    I mean, my God, the City is currently in negotiations with a developer from this town on two projects, who is directly involved in the building collapse controversy. Hell, the contractor who oversaw the development of the building that collapsed was on the developer’s board of directors. Yet, there is no grand jury into this matter, we continue to do business with this crowd as a City, and our politicians do not even offer new ordinances to hopefully prevent that collapse from happening again in the future…. As far as I am concerned, this mayoral race right now is just a JOKE!!!

    Please, can we end the phony politics in this town and get some real candidates?!




  5. Ideas are easy. Solutions are much harder. Like it or not, voters cast their decision on location 6 years ago. We’re stuck with it. BTW, I’m still waiting for Bieber (remember the “soccer mom” radio ad)?!?

    She reminds me a lot of MMM – a self-made nickname, a slick image campaign, telling people what they want to hear, a short resume of public service.

    We’ve already suffered for 8 years. No, thanks.

  6. sorry jo jo, throwing more money at that area is not “maximizing our investment”. so people might stop and eat before a country show. what about the other 6 days of the week? no one is going out there.

  7. I have learned one thing over the years watching politics play out. Cronyism runs rampant, wherher it’s local, state, or national. Cronyism to funnel money out of the hands of the working class, and into the hands of the elite class. Since 1981 it has all been about “trickle down”, and that theory is absolutely dead on arrival. Nationally, if this latest tax hoax plan is inplemented, it will absolutely devastate the middle class. Locally, all we hear about is economic impact and how that will eventually trickle down to Joe and Jane. It has never happened yet, and likely never will…at least not under current “leadership”. The culprit is ol’ boy cronyism. I am so ready for a new, fresh approach. That’s why I give a serious listen to women. It is their turn. What we have is not working. Nationally, I’m ready for someone like Elizabeth Warren, Kamala Harris, Tammy Duckworth.Locally, I’d vote for Theresa in a heartbeat. Same for somebody like Jennifer Holsen. Don’t know enough yet about Christine Erickson, but will listen. Do not know enough yet about Jo, but will listen and give serious consideration based on how she addresses Joe and Jane Sixpack. Much more than I can say about the thune wannabe that is currently running. He is, in my opinion, a non choice, period.

    Now, with all this being said, I’m ready for it, in 3…2…1,

    But, but, but, Hillary!!!! Sorry, She was the right choice, as we we are ALL learning, day by agonizing day.

  8. The Clintons’ short comings are responsible for “Dubya” and the “Donald of Orange”…. Sorry Chelsea, you are probably the best and most likable Clinton, but I fear what your short comings could bring to us all in the future….

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