Okay, I get it. The actual cost of the parking ramp is around $14 million. But here is where it gets sticky, We are covering $6 million in ‘soft costs’ that should be shared or totally the developers responsibility.

That has been my ASSUMPTION all along. I never thought the ramp itself would cost too much, I just felt we were subsidizing the developer’s project which the city announced tonight. BUT WHY?

But the real zinger tonight was the announcement of the four guarantors that will be signing this contract; Larry Canfield, Paul Cink, Norm Drake and Aaron Hultgren.

Yes, Hultgren. The same person who’s construction company was fined thousands of dollars by OSHA (and still pending) for the safety violations due to the collapse of Copper Lounge. Why would the city sign a contract with this person? Seriously?

1st reading passed tonight 5-1 (Stehly NO, Rolfing and Erickson absent)

Our city council has gone stark raving mad.

2 Thoughts on “City admits they are covering $6 million in ‘soft costs’ for developer of DT hotel

  1. I get it, it’s actually Monopoly we are all playing and someone must have a “Get Out of Jail Free” card….


  2. Warren Phear on November 22, 2017 at 1:07 pm said:

    Intrigued by Pat Starr’s vote. Hope he’s not bailing. I like something he said that made a lot of sense. Paraphrasing here, but I believe it was along the lines the city has piece mealed us tidbits of info, and already exhausted $700,000 of taxpayer money.

    It appears we will now have a eye candy ramp built on the wrong side of the river. Business development will be on the east bank, not the west. Look at Google maps, and tell me which side of the river needs parking.

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