South DaCola

Gun Violence Network (GVN)

After yesterday’s shooting it is probably safe to say, Trump will most likely go down in history as the ‘Gun Violence’ president (I’m sure there will be some other titles he will garner along the way to).

But why just stop with the President? Maybe the cable networks need to have a 24/7 news network dedicated to just gun violence? They could talk about the current mass shootings (seems like there is one about every other week these days) they could do historical pieces on past shootings, they could show feature docs about gun violence like ‘Bowling for Columbine’.

Along the bottom of the screen they could stream the names of everyone killed in the past 24 hours due to gun violence, whether that was an accident, suicide or homicide, than maybe pick one of the victims and do a feature story about them.

But I think the kicker of the day they could stream all the names of Federal and State lawmakers who receive money from the NRA and other gun groups, they could also attempt to get comments from them about the ‘latest shooting’. You know, like when Thune gave us all the great advice to ‘get small’.

I’m sure with all the talent in the cable news business they could easily put together such a network, and I guarantee it would probably be more watched than HLN, CNN and MSNBC combined.

We love our guns in the United States, but what we love even more is denial that we have a gun violence problem in this country.

Just let the NRA and Gun Manufacturers continue to control the conversation, and we can keep watching the body count rise.

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