As I warned the council weeks ago, if they didn’t censure the mayor or ask him to resign for blatantly lying to the public about the secret siding settlement, no lesson would be learned and precedent would be set.
Well it was set.
Today on the B-N-B show the mayor said this, (paraphrasing) “We (the administration) should hammer out deals behind the scenes to get crap done.” Basically saying proposals should be negotiated in secret with the council before presenting it to the media and public.
Since the council chickensht’d out (all of them) the Chief Liar continues to peddle his secretive government even bragging how he only needs four votes from the council to get things done.
Councilors Stehly and Starr will be on the Belfrage show at 8 AM, Wednesday to debate the B.S. Lying Mike spread this morning in Greg’s studio, and to specifically talk about the Parking Ramp boondoggle (please bring up Mr. Building Collapse, Aaron Hultgren is signing a contract with the city) and they will talk about “Getting Crap Done” behind a veil of secrecy as the mayor says is done in the ‘Corporate World’. He still hasn’t figured out he works for the public and not T. Denny.
The corporate environment requires approval from the board of directors. There are stockholders who vote and can sell their shares if they disagree with policy and coarse. Where can I sell my shares in city government? Why can’t I vote on 25 million dollar projects?
Huether has 5 months left to do his ‘spin”.
The potential correction which may take place in April 2018 with the election of at least 2 new councilors and a mayor is enormous.
Get informed, voters!
4 councilors should be replaced. Kiley and Erickson are Huether aligned. Give them their walking papers. It’s likely Sanford and Lloyd will get Entenman elected as the next Huether. We need a council that decides before the mayor has a chance to vote or veto.
The next mayor? I’ll say it again. Do not sell Jolene short. While diamond jim, tenwhatever, and Greg Jamison duel it out with deep pockets and dark money, Jo will make the runoff. If this country continues on its present course of opportunity for only the elite, then Jo stands a real chance of being our next mayor. No offense to Greg, or the orher candidates without deep pockets, but Jolene has the best chance of those without the money to make it.
if greg’s facebook campaign is any indication, he won’t be getting to the runoff election.