So I get a call from a county official yesterday, and they say something like,

“Did you hear? The county has a better credit rating than the city. But you might not have heard because we didn’t hold a press conference.”

Bob Litz actually made the brief announcement at the county commission meeting on Tuesday. I even said to the official that I didn’t even get a press release from the county on it. The good rating will SAVE taxpayers money on interest with the bond sale for the new jail.

3 Thoughts on “Minnehaha County has better credit rating than the City of Sioux Falls

  1. That’s it. It’s time the City refinanced with Ditech!

  2. i’m sure mmm has his people looking into ways he can take credit for this.

  3. The D@ily Spin on November 13, 2017 at 7:57 am said:

    Is this a good reason for the city to be merged with the county as one local government without Strong Mayor Charter?

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