And it is so secret we don’t even know who is serving on it. In fact, my City Hall mole tells me that Second in Charge, Fill-In, Uber City Attorney told the council and others that the committee must remain sooper secret until the RFP process is complete.

I guess you could look at that a couple of different ways since city hall’s attorneys like to play word games.

While they are NOT allowed to say who the 2 councilors are on the RFP committee, there is NOTHING banning them from saying who is NOT on the committee.

So much for secrets.


By l3wis

6 thoughts on “Sooper Secret Siding Study RFP Committee selected”
  1. Remember Kids, we must play by ‘Jeopardy’ rules. Anyone who gives me the correct listing of the 6 councilors that ARE NOT on the committee wins a prize.

  2. Stehly, Starr, Neitzert. These three are a lock to NOT be on the sooper dooper, pooper scooper committee. Next two will just be SWAG at Erickson and Selberg. Picking just one out of erpenback, killey, and raulfing is really tough. All three are equally good at what they stamp. I’ll pick raulfing cuz his golfing buddies questioned the siding. That leaves the two.

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