I might even add, that Councilor Erickson’s idea is way past due;

Erickson hopes to raise the bar on borrowing money by requiring a “super majority” on the Council. She says that if a project can’t get six of eight votes, it’s not worthy.

All other state governments require this majority for bonding. If this would have been in place when the Administration building was being debated, it would have failed.

Right now, the city is paying down eight sales tax revenue bonds, including ones that financed the administration building, the Denny Sanford Premier Center, and the tax increment financing bond that covered the removal of the former Zip Feed Mill in downtown Sioux Falls.

Also ironically if the Events Center vote would have been a LEGAL bonding vote instead of an ADVISORY VOTE, the bond sale would have failed (would have required 60% of the vote).

By l3wis

2 thoughts on “Super Majority for bonding in Sioux Falls is great idea!”
  1. I think it’s a great idea as well.

    Ironically Mr. Super Majority of council elections Tex Loafing will be the first to vote it down.

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