Thursday, Nov 9th 7:00 to 9:00 pm Located in Froiland Science Center Rm 113. Augustana University

A comprehensive approach to a relevant conversation on rights, equality, and the misunderstanding of the protest.

We will have panelist with years of military service expressed their opinion of the situation. Then we will find ways to educate one another and move toward proactive solutions in our city.

This event is free and open to the public.

I am going to try to attend. Looks like an interesting conversation. To be honest with you, I struggle with how many Americans misinterpret the 1st Amendment and only think it applies to THEIR opinions but not others. I may not agree with someone’s protest, but as long as it is peaceful I will defend their right to protest.

By l3wis

6 thoughts on “The National Anthem; To Kneel or Stand, A Panel Discussion.”
  1. Whatever happen to this principle in our democratic society?……:

    “I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.”

    Evelyn Beatrice Hall (Francois-Marie Arouet/Voltaire)

    It seems to me that the only real issue involving this controversy, which needs to be discussed, is whether one should express their political opinions while on the clock that are not germane or pertinent to your given profession.

    Now, it’s always tempting to do it, and I bet when you are a celebrity and can command a greater audience than the average Joe that the temptation is even greater – but for me, that is the only real issue at play here if you are going to give any credence to the principle that is initially accredited to Voltaire and should be the true cloak of this controversy and its debate…….

  2. I hope somebody makes the point that the kneeling issue had pretty much disappeared before Orange Man used it for cheap applause at a campaign rally. There had only been a handful of instances in the first couple of weeks of the NFL season. Of course things changed after that imbecile created a phony controversy.

  3. This matter has handled itself. The players who took a knee got booed and their contracts threatened. If you take a knee, you can lose your job and/or become outcast from your friends and family. There was a housewife who gave Trumps motorcade the finger. She lost her job.

    Go ahead, disrespect the US. It is your right. If you lose your friends, your job, and end up on every TSA or FBI list; do not wonder why.

    There are other ways to demonstrate.

  4. I am afraid that “Orange Man” probably has even more tricks up his sleeve for 2018…. You watch, as soon as Mueller is standing out in front of the White House gates with papers in hand, ‘Donald of Orange’ will invade N. Korea to throw everyone off and acquire the powers a President is afforded in a time of war and or national emergency – which will make everything else seem trivial and offer the true chaos that “Orange Man” seems to thrive on….


  5. Thank you for filming it Bruce and Scott! It was a fantastic discussion from the panel and especially the interaction with those in attendance. One take away – spoken by Denise Tucker, City Council clerk, asked “what would’ve happened if the person who kneeled was Tom Brady?”

  6. Dear Scott you are wrong about it being Trumps fault .wow what a NUTJOB thing to say. Yes they made a point you. Don’t think they have taken this too far. I saw this would not stop and people are way feed up with bull …. and hello fans just want to watch football not any thing else by thugs who think they have right to use NFL as a platform .Not to mention espn did same thing . No sympathys for either.

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