South DaCola

City Employee defends mayor on diversity with FB comment

The comment was deleted, but not before it was left on Jolene Loetscher’s FB page in response to my comment about the mayor throwing mayoral candidates under the bus for not taking a stand on the parking ramp. I pointed out that Jolene did take a stance on the topic;

The person who left this message recently got promoted to the diversity department. I’m not sure if I have ever taken the mayor to task for diversity, I’m also not sure what he has done for diversity, maybe she is right, not sure. I will agree I have been critical of some city employees, but that criticism is usually pointed at a certain department, a director or policy. I agree that the city employees work hard and have the best interest at heart, unfortunately their fear of Hizzoner stifles them sometimes.

I do know that my conversations with individual employees (retired, supervisors, firefighters, police officers, etc.) haven’t been happy with how their boss has been running the city. In fact many of them are very angry with his performance, to put it lightly, and can’t wait until he is gone. Obviously those who report directly to Mike, like this person does, have an appearance to keep up, and I get it. I just suggest they stop drinking the mayor’s kool-aid in the new city hall cafeteria and stay off of FB in the middle of the night.

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