I really don’t have any predictions at this point for the New Year, but hope to have more on that with our next podcast on January 15th.
But I want to know your predictions!
I really don’t have any predictions at this point for the New Year, but hope to have more on that with our next podcast on January 15th.
But I want to know your predictions!
Comments are closed.
Mueller indicts Don, Jr., and Kushner, which causes Donald of Orange to invade N Korea; which in turn, due to all of the chaos from the invasion, gives D of O the opportunity to fire Mueller and pardon all of the Russian collusion characters.
The invasion of NK, the revamping of ObamaCare, and an infrastructure bill lessen Democratic gains in 2018.
At least one City official is indicted due to the building collapse controversy.
Jackley defeats Sutton 57% to 43%. Bjorkman loses to Dusty in a close one, after Bjorkman’s lead is lost due to the confusion following the NK invasion.
A major store closing is announced for the Empire Mall.
Jamison loses in the runoff to whomever.
One with McKennan/Pendar connections wins a local School Board seat.
An other local brew pub opens…. And an other local boutique shop closes.
Massive grassland fire in the northern plains threatens entire towns.
Trump releases new Pentagon UFO files at Christmas time as NK invasion chaos wanes.
“Boomerang” is back.
Sales tax receipts continue to decline causing some in the SD GOP to propose a nude East Sturgis Bike Rally to negate the losses…..(So much for the sexual harassment training in Pierre…..)
Supreme Court rules the word “Blight” to be unconstitutional due to its vagueness.
Motel6 is the only chain which takes interest in the new hotel/ramp development.
KBAD returns to the air waves, while the Speedway is sold to the religious sect from Custer.
Some of these are silly, while others tragic. Some are even a given, but let us hope that many of them do not come true… Keep the hope!
Happy New Year to everyone!
That’s a pretty good list. My favorite;
Sales tax receipts continue to decline causing some in the SD GOP to propose a nude East Sturgis Bike Rally to negate the losses…..(So much for the sexual harassment training in Pierre…..)
You know, Entenman has been envisioning this for SF for years.
What do they say? Oh yah, you are suppose to leave the stage while they are still clapping, oh well:
Unbeknownst to Trump, Putin invites the Donald of Orange to the Alps for a summit at Eagle’s Nest.
Newly elected Mayor Zokaites is sworn in at Fawick Park next to the statute.
Naively accepting congratulations from Putin, Trump takes full credit for Germany’s withdrawal from NATO.
China announces plans for a entire robotic National People’s Congress by 2040. The American GOP responds by announcing to work in earnest to beat the communist at their goal.
The Koch Brothers sue Cola Cola over pronunciation trademark rights. (I thought intellectual property right allegations were silly enough…..)
Legacy/Hutlgren announce the return of Borrowed Bucks to the Bracco’s location and the replacing of Braccos to the old Borrowed Buck location, hoping that the citizens of Sioux Falls won’t take notice and that it will just be business as usual.
An undiscovered grammatical error in the new federal tax bill results in immediate greater federal deficits, and a massive over payment of earned income tax credits to the poor…. New York Times headlines this story as “Trickle-down finally works as a Tsunami”
Trump admits that he is bald, while Melania admits that she is bored.
The Secret Service admits that Barron has run away from the White House over 12 times in the past year, but no worries, because they always find him having dinner at the Obamas’ near Georgetown…
Roy Moore applies to be on ‘Dancing with the Stars’ and ‘Survivor.’
“Fake News” allegations are admitted to be fake.
White House Press Secretary, Sarah Huckabee-Sanders, resigns to be become assistant press secretary for the Arkansas Department of Tourism.
Pipeline officials proudly announce in December of 2018…. “No leaks this year so far….”
Mayor Zokaites orders the removal of all Confederate statutes from the city of Sioux Falls. When it is noticed that there are no such statutes in the city, then Zokaites, in public frustration, authorizes the minting of a statute in honor of the late great Janoct instead.
Canada’s Trudeau proposes an intervention for the US at the UN. Trump responds by claiming that the best inventions come from America…
Explosives used to scare geese away, that are near the SF airport, result in fiery projectiles shooting into the sky and lodging into the engine of a nearby flying plane, that was taking off, which then forced that plane into an emergency landing.
Trump sues Twitter for calling “…..” characters…….
‘Trump Resigns, Pence to be sworn in at Noon tomorrow’
-25 mil in public money gets spent on something private.
-Huether works 2 weeks for Trump but gets fired.
-‘Walter’ Rolfing gets free tickets to see Jeff Dunham.
-City golf courses are leased for goat grazing.
-Erpenbach retires and plays ‘Old Maid’ full time.
-Jail is overcrowded with Public Comment citizens.
-City Charter is amended so the mayor’s vote counts 9
-Developers are awarded TIF’s for lottery tickets
-Sioux Falls becomes sovereign like Indian reservations
The good ol boy system comes to an end. Jolene wins runoff against entennmamn. The modern day womens movement takes root, with a few exceptions. kristy can’t explain her 3.7 million in entitlement checks, and loses to Jackley. erpenback turns in her rubber stamp, erickson pretends to represent the people, and Theresa continues to represent the people.
The development of the 10 acres of land downtown which we acquired by using 27 million federal tax dollars turns into a huge debacle drawing national attention.
You know, as in…….earmarks, local corruption, taxpayers are not allowed to know who’s involved, only certain ‘special’ people know who paid what for what and on and on………….
Lake Lorraine falls victim to a massive sink hole.
Erickson and Erpenbach rediscover the “Yes” button and try it out all the time.
Councilman Rolfing refuses complimentary tickets to a showing of “Cats” at the Pavilion thinking the tickets say “Hats.”
Solberg finally settles down after his wife gives him new clubs for his birthday.
Pittsburg Paint & Glass announces a new hue for the color taupe, causing the “Taupe Housing Society of Conformity” in town to cheer with excitement.
The high speed trains finally make it to Brandon.
Former Rep. Kristi Noem returns to the ranch (It’s actually a farm) to brush up on her estate planning after major flaws are discovered in the new tax bill. (Dam handwriting)
As the race tightens up in mid October, AG Jackley finds more people to indict for the EB-5 and Gear-Up scandals.
Hobby Lobby quietly returns to the Shopko strip mall.
Giliberto’s opens four new locations in Sioux Falls….. Meanwhile, Panchero’s announces the closure of all of its Sioux Falls locations.
Trump’s Twitter account goes silent for three days after Melania announces on Instagram that she is actually Ray Finkle.
Great Life purchases Landscape Unlimited, then hires Jansa to run it all….. (Everyone’s happy now!)
Former Mayor, Mike Huether, is appointed by Trump to be the new American Ambassador to Monaco. When asked why the Dakota mayor was given an ambassadorship to such a principality, Trump responds by saying, “This will be hugh, Mike will do a great job, an amazing job as the new American Ambassador to Morocco (Morocco?). As a former mayor, Mike will know how to deal with a city/state like Morocco (Morocco?).”
Congressman-elect Dusty Johnson misses his election night victory party after being trapped between floors in a hotel elevator for six hours.
On day one, Congressman Dusty is often mistaken by elder colleagues as a congressional page.
Trump and Putin announce joint military exercises in the Caribbean. Trump claims that such exercises will help with future hurricane relief.
Frustrated former West Germans call for a wall to be built around the former East Germany claiming that after 25 years of reunification too many good jobs are being lost to those pinko commies.
Potsdam officials mistakenly book a flight to Sioux City.
After winning the run-off election by two votes, but then losing the recount by one vote to Zokaites, former mayoral candidate Jim Entenman in true Badlands fashion announces the closure of his J&L dealership in town….(I guess we will all have to go Sioux City now for our hogs.)
A revamped FBI replaces its suits for a khaki look.
An unpublicized Powerball win is how Hultgren claims a renewed solvency months after the fine.
‘Putin’s Meatballs & Stroganoff’ announces a new restaurant opening at Lake Lorraine.
Developers ask for their dirt back from Levitt.
Governor Daugaard changes his party affiliation to Democrat citing that he would rather be an ass than associate with some dumb asses.
The Russian collusion investigation produces a new vein with its interest into wage collusion, resulting in the questioning of Neel Kashkari as an unindicted co-conspirator….. (Who’s next? The Chamber?)
More expensive lofts are built in downtown Sioux Falls to address the aesthetic housing crisis in town.
To save money, the City procures new city vehicles to be used by both the police and fire department. Larger than the former squad cars, but smaller the former fire engines, many officers in town are concerned that the new enlarged squad cars will be hard to park at local donut shops and fast food restaurants.*
Lord Buckethead makes an appearance in Sioux Falls and endorses Zokaites.
* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UYXcwnJQxqI
Okay, I promise, these are my last five:
As the investigation heats up in 2018, Norm Drake begins to refer to Aaron Hultgren in press reports as merely a “coffee boy.”
Thrive publishes a new study claiming that there is a link between unemployment and poverty.
Arc of Dream fundraisers scream with glee as their fundraising efforts go far beyond expectations causing some within the group to think that they may have enough funds now to even fill in the gap and make it a full arch.
After losing to Jackley, Noem staffers ask Marty to make Kristi his running mate, which causes Jackley to respond by saying, “Kristi Who?”
Janklow returns from the dead causing a small Jewish sect in Israel to proclaim him the Messiah.
2018 will be fun!
Just five more, just five more….Please!
Recently lost dog, Lola, capitalizing on recent notoriety, runs in the Sioux Falls mayoral race placing a strong sixth in a nine candidate field.
The Pentagon admits that it has a shortage of Purple Hearts after an inordinately great demand for them from two prairie state Senators. In response to the shortage, the Pentagon contracts with a Chinese firm to spur greater production of the metals. (Now hear me out, I am glad these former soldiers are finally getting their long deserved metals, but on an other note, do our current two Senators really deserve these continual political infomercials?)
The Gear-Up trial results in a hung jury, while Joop pays his meager $ 2000 fine, but the Pizza Ranch “Free Buffet” card investigation takes off to a higher level in 2018….
Phoenix legislative candidate, Abdallah, returns to the State House after promising voters a new improved version of the “Bathroom Bill.”
Is that the K-Nine race for mayor?
That’s a good one Jeff, that’s a good one….
Do you guys want more?…. Too bad, here are some more:
In February, the White House will announce that the Trumps (Donald, Melania, Ivanka, and Barron) will be taking a road trip across America (“Uniting America!”) in true Griswold fashion (Tiffany is really made about this one, by the way, and Don Jr., will be too busy with his attorneys to ride along, and Erik will just say “Uh, what’s a road trip?”). Rumor also has it, that the chick from the Access Hollywood tape has been seen driving around in a red Ferrari recently, too.*
* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IbL3NfWJUQs
As polling numbers collapse, Shantel Krebs will announce that she is a Muslim just to make her registry seem more acceptable.
In late September, Bjorkman’s polling numbers begin to surge in response to his new negative campaign ads, which depict him as “Andy Taylor” and his opponent, Dusty, as “Opie Taylor”…. (“It’s maturity, stupid!”)
Retired and former mayor, Dave Munson, contemplates a third mayoral run until his closest advisors inform him that it’s his turn at bocce ball.
Rep. Noem will admit herself, due to exhaustion, after learning that her failed bid for the Republican nomination for governor does not automatically qualify her to be the Republican nominee for the US House in 2018.
Former president, Jimmy Carter, will form a exploratory committee for a possible run for the presidency in 2020….. In order, to rebuild America from the Trump devastation…. “One nail at a time….”
Facing collapsing viewership numbers, KELO contemplates bring back ‘Doppler Dorothy,’ the “Amazing Mini-van.”
The “Caribou Show” returns!
Dr. Bosworth will contemplate a gubernatorial run with one of the Zimmers…. With extensive polling determining which one will make a more plausible LG candidate….
‘Slim Chickens’ will ally itself with ‘Cowboy Chicken’ and provoke a “Chicken War” against ‘Popeye’s.’
In a parallel universe, thanks to string theory, Lora Hubbel will be elected governor of South Dakota in 2018….
E. C., please share the recipe for that holiday egg nog which was the source of your prolificacy in prognostications.
Of all of these, I am most titillated by the prospective return of The Caribou Show.
Does E. C. see a return of Chuck Brennan to reprise the role of “Captain Caribou” ?
If not, who will be entrusted to play the role ?
I am merely a product of Diet Coke and too many holiday Hershey’s Kisses…. (I prefer the red ones, especially.)
As far as ‘Captain Caribou,’ well, maybe Brennan can get one of the members of KISS to do it?
In hindsight, “The Caribous Show” picked the wrong decade. They could have so much more fun over the last eight years. Oh well, life is often timing…. Sometimes we have it and sometimes we don’t…..