South DaCola

Makes you wonder if the Golf Contract deferral had anything to do with the Hultgren criminal investigation

I know what you are thinking, “Man, Detroit, you have really lost your marbles when it comes to this conspiracy theory.”

Now bear with me.

I won’t go into detail about what happened tonight, let’s just assume you watched the city council meeting and you saw the council defer the golf contract to next week so they could discuss a possible one year extension to Dakota Golf Management.

The major discussion tonight surrounded the secrecy around RFP’s and how they have been handled poorly. I couldn’t help to ponder if the 6 councilors who approved the parking ramp deal two weeks ago have been doing a lot of soul searching over the past 24 hours once they found out Hultgren, one of the guarantors of the deal, is being criminally investigated.

I get the feeling that a majority of the 6, if not all of them didn’t see this coming and depended on the information they had to make a decision. I think they don’t like all the mud on their faces now, and they weren’t going to let this happen again to them tonight.

So what do I think will happen? I think the council will extend another year with DGM, and I wouldn’t doubt they decide to put the parking ramp on hold until the investigation is complete. Let’s keep our fingers crossed.

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