South DaCola

Pavilion cancels Thursday night Jazz

Now that the 5 year contract has been renewed and the over a million a year in subsidies is coming in it’s time to start the chopping.

While the Thursday night jazz was not free ($5 cover) I felt it was well attended every time I went. I was told that they averaged about 50 people per event. In the bigger perspective, that’s a pretty good crowd for local jazz on a Thursday night.

There are also rumors flowing from the place that the Visual Arts Center will see major changes over the next year. Not sure what they will be, but what I have been hearing isn’t good.

It’s unfortunate that after almost 20 years the Pavilion is actually providing less and less FREE (or affordable) arts events to us common folk, even though the bonds were paid off years ago and the yearly subsidy and remodeling projects have increased by hundreds of thousands of dollars each year. Where is the money going?

The Pavilion was built for the upper crust, and it is getting crustier by the day.

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