South DaCola

The Ramrodding and Secrecy continues

I was originally going to title this post, ‘This proves just how dense our city council is.’ But I don’t think they were acting out of ignorance when 6 of them approved the parking ramp deal, there has to be some kind of backdoor deal here somewhere, I just can’t put my finger on it;

The U.S. Attorney’s criminal investigation includes a review of more than 150 gigabytes of data related to McMahon’s death, “including video, photographs, interview statements, training materials, engineering plans, building permits, and email correspondence,” according to a court report filed in the name of Patrick B. Augustine, the secretary for the Department of Labor, which oversees OSHA.

This would explain why the project, the funding and other deets had to be ramrodded through all in one night, they knew the fix was in.
But why choose Hultgren and Legacy as partners in the first place, even if they were not facing criminal charges. I mean, let’s pretend for a moment they were not involved. It’s NOT that great of project. It doesn’t supply the parking we need, we are paying to much of the soft costs and we are getting hosed on the lease. All of that aside, why would you go into a business deal with someone who could be facing millions in lawsuit claims and possible Federal prison time?
That’s the $20 million dollar question and the missing puzzle piece.
The other interesting part is that this investigation could lead to charges against the city if they prove they were aware of what kind of demolition was going on. According to Tim Kant, they were warned. So is there negligence on behalf of the city also?
This whole deal stunk before it was approved, and it’s really starting to wreak now. The council would be wise to halt the parking ramp project immediately and wait for the investigation to be complete, otherwise the mayor, his minions and the 6 councilors who voted for this really will look like a bunch of dummies.
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