Take off your hat and listen to my genius.
I guess I didn’t have too many high expectations out of a retired insurance salesman anyway.
At the council meeting tonight during the parking ramp debate, Councilor Stehly showed an image of her postcard she recently mailed out that listed all the councilors contact information (city email addresses and phone #’s NOT private). Rolfing, being the ignoramus he normally is reiterated to the public that he has told Stehly not to use his public contact information on her mailings she pays for personally.
Not up to you Rex, it is public information. The tax payers pay for that service and we OWN your public email address and phone number, you do not. And since you don’t own them Rex, you have NO authority to tell Stehly whether she can use them or not.
What’s that saying about a mud fence?
He’ll be gone soon. Finally, an old political type that didn’t grope a teenager 40 years ago. Gone and readily forgotten.
Every time I speak to a group of citizens, I give them the contact info for the City Council. One of my top priorities is to help citizens to be heard and responded to. I also believe in more openness and transparency..that’s why I proposed an amendment at the meeting to mandate that all investors will be disclosed to the public for the duration of the contract.Legacy could reveal the names. The Council voted No. I also proposed an amendment that would have removed the 2nd penny as collateral back up. It would have mandated that the parking system itself would back up the ramp. We were told repeatedly that the parking system was in STRONG financial standing. I said, “then remove the risk to the2nd penny”. Pat Starr agreed, the rest voted No. It was not a good night for transparency.
Watta get when you breed a horse to a mule?
A Rex Rolfing
We were told repeatedly that the parking system was in strong financial standing
That is true….today. Since the summer of 2016, ramp prices have gone from $64 to $75 a month. Once the city is obligated to a yearly bond payment, that financial standing will turn from strong to rocky.
Neitzert said the rise from $64 to $75 will cover this
bond payment, and all the other expenditures associated with the enterprise. We shall see.