South DaCola

Who is this Mysterious Anti-Development crowd you speak of?

2017-12-13   City News   Building Permit Record 2017

The Mayor is now hallucinating and making up secret minority societies that oppose development in Sioux Falls (FF: 9:30).

I’m not sure who he is talking about. I have been following city politics for over 12 years, and besides a few older citizens that liked things the way they were in 1979, I don’t hear to many people who are opposed to development.

Has there been serious and mindful disagreements about how to accomplish that growth and development? Yes.

Redevelopment of existing core and central neighborhoods and businesses instead constantly buying up cornfields to build strip malls. Which only add to our infrastructure costs and maintenance. I have thought for awhile the redevelopment of Minnesota Avenue to be more bike/pedestrian friendly would spur more private redevelopment. I have lived here since 1991, and it looks the same as it did than (actually worse).

Tax incentives and TIFs are NOT needed to promote development in our community. Most developers, investors and builders in Sioux Falls have done just fine without government’s help. Some ask why we give these incentives? Because they ask for them and our mayor and his minions on the council roll over like an old dog. Besides, it’s not their money they are handing over to developers that may be investing with. End the corporate welfare and the let the free market do it’s job.

Eliminate or reduce regulations for redevelopment to make it more affordable.

More working class homes and apartments and less luxury homes and condos.

More community development loans and grants for individual homeowners.

Stop allowing the Hospital Industrial Complex buy up and eliminate affordable housing in central Sioux Falls.

There may be many disagreements with Mayor Huether on how to intelligently grow and develop our town, but just because we disagree doesn’t mean he is right.

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