I know I have been speculating for awhile now that Huether may work for Entenman as his chief of staff if Jim became mayor. But I had a revelation today that Entenman may want to hire him as the Finance Director instead.
As it stands right now, if a mayor resigns suddenly or dies the city finance director takes over until a special election is held. I could totally see Jim resigning after 2 years (Huether can’t run for mayor for two years) and Huether taking over until they can have a special election in which he will run in.
While having Corporate Welfare Diamond Jim Entenman as mayor is scary in itself, just imagine Huether as his finance director or chief of staff.
A vote for Jim is a vote to continue a Huether administration, GUARANTEED. End the Nightmare! Vote for anyone besides Jim.
Huether seems out of flavor. He’s without political party support. Entenman would be wise distancing himself. However, Huether as finance director because he’d have to justify city debt he created. On the other hand, Huether should retire to his broom closet office somewhere at Sanford.
God help us. Lol.