Advocates, Good news from Senate floor today.

SB56 The Senate Appropriations committee listened to our request last week to adjust the income eligibility limits for the tax refund program for the elderly and people with disabilities.  Sen. Wik brought an amendment from that committee’s discussion to the Senate floor today, and it passed unanimously.  You can thank all Senators (except the two absent ones, Cammack and Partridge) for their support of SB56 and its helpful amendment. And I thank all of you who made contacts to the committee on this. It paid off. Now we hope the House agrees.

• Report. These 3 bills passed committee today and now head to Senate floor soon, so contact any or all Senators on these:

1. Sorry to say, SJR1  proposes a 55% vote to pass amendments to the state constitution.

Voters would have to approve that change, but this is an attempt to reduce our citizen rights to initiatives. Ask Senators to vote NO.

2. SB77  asks for mid-year reports for ballot committees, so we can see where their money is coming from sooner and don’t have to wait til after the election to find out. This one is helpful. Support.

3. SB79 lets Independents sign candidate petitions. That’s a step forward for participation in democracy. (Maybe someday they’ll even get to vote in primaries.).  Support.

• New for Senate State Affairs committee 

You can comment on any of the above 3 bills they voted on today. (like thanking them for support for 77 and 79). Now these bills are headed there on Wed. (1/24) at 10AM,(9 Mt time).  Senate State Affairs has these senators:

Bolin,  Curd,  Ewing,  Heinert,  Langer, Maher,  Netherton,  Novstrup,  Sutton.

SB2 is helpful for the housing opportunity fund

HB1006 is the one that needs its Section 2 taken out, according to Dakota Rural Action. Its problem is that it could possibly shorten the time for initiatives rather than lengthening it.

By l3wis

One thought on “Legislative Update from Advocates”
  1. everyone can vote in primaries now- you only need register as a member of a party; tell me what is wrong with like minded people selecting their candidate? I don’t want a bunch of people telling me democrats should run Donald Trump as the PARTY’s candidate

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