South DaCola

Legislators are elected to represent us, not their own self interests

Commenter Pete Weisel says it best;

So the Argus should apologize for pointing out that elected representatives are NOT voting based on the electorates needs but their own?

In South Dakota, we have always let legislators who are attorneys vote on legislation to make changes in criminal and civil law. We let farmers vote on agricultural issues. We let teachers vote on issues of education and teacher salaries.

So why has the Argus Leader’s Editorial Board chosen to attack the credibility of Rep. Arch Beal, R-Dist. 12, and Sen. Jack Kolbeck, R-Dist. 13, just because they work for a beer distributor? They have the right and responsibility to consider all proposed legislation, including bills that would impact the beer industry.

People who are elected to serve in Pierre do so at the pleasure of their constituents, not at the whim of the Argus Leader Editorial Board.

The editorial board owes these gentlemen an apology for an unwarranted attack.

Dean has a special interest in this topic as he is the Chamber of Commerce which receives funds from the distributors.
You Dean, are the problem with this country sir.

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