South DaCola

UPDATE III: POSTED REPORT: Siding Report Presser – 2:30 PM TODAY (1/5/18) @ Events Center

UPDATE III: This explains why the Mayor needed to do his presser today;

On Monday, the citizens of Sioux Falls should get some clarity on the possible political future of Mayor Mike Huether.

“Yeah, I would love to be the governor of South Dakota,” he told KSFY’s Brian Allen back in December 2016. “I’d love to be the President of the United States. I’d love to represent South Dakota as their senator or representative.”

Huether’s mayoral term ends this spring.

The mayor and his wife will announce what a city spokesperson calls their “next steps.” It will take place Monday at 11 a.m. at City Hall.

Not sure if he is running for higher office or not. I’m starting to think he will sit it out for a couple of years OR run for Governor. But if he was running for Governor I don’t think he would announce at City Hall.


Copy of the Final Report: siding-report

I gave it a quick read. While it seems the siding itself is keeping water out, there seems to be an issue around the windows that ‘needs to be monitored’.

The biggest reveal in the report is how badly the siding was fastened to the building and that over time due to weather the siding will have to replaced in areas because of buckling. They also said that the siding should have been ‘pre-curved’ before putting on the building.


While I am happy there is no water coming in thru the siding, there are many flaws with the siding that we knew about already, and many we did not. While the best thing to do would to be replace it all, it’s still going to be costly keeping up with the maintenance since it was so badly installed. But else would you expect from Mayor Secret, Secret, Secret, RAMROD?

UPDATE II: After the press conference, you are left with more questions. Obviously we are going to have to wait until the vendor comes on Jan 16 during a CC informational to get more questions answered. Like I said above, the vendor said in the report that we should not have installed the flat siding. During the presser, Joe Sneve, asked who authorized this type of installation and the Mayor refused to answer. MMM kept trying to make it about the sold out concerts at the EC. Stehly also hammered them about the secrecy of the report itself. It was also evident the other councilors boycotted the event in protest to the way the presser was announced. The mayor told a reporter who asked about it, “I don’t think my council leadership would boycott this event or use that kind of language.” A little over 4 months left of the mayor’s fantasy world.


I don’t have much more information except that the Mayor’s office called the press conference about an hour ago.

This is interesting for many reasons, because NO one from city council has seen the final report or the draft report. Remember, this report was commissioned by the city council to help rebuild trust over the siding settlement fiasco, yet the administration is handling all the edits and letting the mayor’s office to see the report first and present it.


If I was on city council I would be pissed and would be putting a boot up his rear end. Not sure why city councilors are so scared of a Lying Bully Coward.

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