Jolene was at Democratic Forum today. She talked about tablets that first responders use in Houston, TX. They have saved taxpayers oodles of money because it gives first responders the ability to direct patients to the right services if they don’t need an ambulance. So I asked Jolene if she supported public ambulances. She said she definitely would like to look at the option and mentioned that Houston has public ambulances.
My contention has always been that public ambulances would provide faster response times (each fire station would have one) and would pay for themselves through patient fees. We would probably have to hire a third party independent contractor to collect the fees. Most likely it would work on a commission basis.
No matter who the next mayor is, I think this has to be seriously considered.
For a while in the mid 1970s we had public ambulances in Sioux Falls, but I am afraid the privatization frenzy of the early 80s with Reagan most likely put an end to that.
I think we should have private ambulances too. It’s time to get rid of the unnecessary middle man with that industry.
There is an interesting article here that shows how ambulance services, public and private, have a new competitor(s), however. They’re called Uber and Lyft (Don’t worry Honey, Uber should be here shortly to get us to the hospital, so we can have our twins!)…… :
“private?” ….”public!”
She’s deviating from real issues. What about unconstitutional Strong Mayor Charter, city debt, city employment excess, overcompensated directors, undercompensated police, crime, transparency, etc. etc.? Tell us how you’d fix from Huether. We’ll get to the hospital somehow if you’ll focus on bigger problems.
How about ambulances painted in southwest colors that serve TexMex? Maybe bullhorns on the hood.
Very true, non of the mayoral candidates are talking about the real issues. When are we going to get a “real” mayoral candidate? Right now, this race resembles a race to be class president…. (Oh, I am going to vote for him(or her), because he (or she) has the nicest posters,…..don’t you think?….And he (or she) is cute too)
@unstable moron – OSHA is a bigger issue than public health and ambulance response times in the community?
Street sweeping is too?
Good thing you aren’t running for Mayor…..
OSHA is meant to symbolize the politics involving the building collapse……. #DontBeSoDifficult
“Street sweeping” speaks to budget cuts over the last few years, along with the decline in proper plowing and the sanding of our streets, which have led to a decline in essential services in this town, IMO, in order to finance the mass building programs we have experienced over the last few years. In fact, one could add “Grass Maintenance at our Parks” too.
“Sweeping” keeps a city clean, it helps with property values, and is a hidden economic development component when our city attempts to show case itself to new outside business opportunities.
As far as running, well, find we $ 200,000, then I’ll take a serious look at it….. Heck, someone has to show our fellow Dems how to stop a Thune wannabe from becoming the next mayor…..
Oh, but Fluff, you apparently agree with the idea of a “Donut Moratorium,” huh?