Incredible day! So many people came up to thank me for standing up for the citizens. All people were in disbelief about the parking ramp and many are skeptical about Event Center Report.

6 Thoughts on “Stehly Update from Benson’s Flea Market

  1. Theresa stehly on January 6, 2018 at 10:10 pm said:

    I would encourage citizens to listen to the Friday, January 5 podcast of the Greg Belfrage Show. Go to the first portion “What’s your Beef” part1. He discusses his residual impressions from the past week of Council meetings, interviews with Council members Pat Starr and Greg Neitzert and caller’s comments.
    His one quote about a prevailing City Council attitude summarizes it beautifully…”We know better than you do… sit down and shut up”.

  2. Warren Phear on January 7, 2018 at 9:07 am said:

    It was about a year ago that I met you at a similar setting. I voiced a concern I had. Later that year, my concern became an issue. You and Greg Neitzert were a big help. Why you were not on that task force illustrates perfectly the disconnect between this city administration and the people. And yes, there is absolutely nothing wrong with a councilor/citizen advocate. We demand watchdogs, not lapdogs.

  3. This ‘trust us’ attitude not only pervades the City Council, but also the office of the Mayor and his Administration.

    See Kelo’s INTERVIEW of both Huether and Cotter regarding the public being exposed to the illegal dumping of asbestos:

    Newly Obtained Photos Show Asbestos In Former Copper Lounge Building

    It is critical that SF residents get out to vote in April. The climate of irresponsibility in Sioux Falls government NEEDS TO BE CHANGED!

  4. The D@ily Spin on January 7, 2018 at 12:50 pm said:

    The best way to poll the public in person. Questionnaires mailed to senile seniors is hardly a good cross section. Despite the media focus on weather and corn commercials, people know what’s really happening via word of mouth. The next election might be a big surprise when 6400 petitioners and angry golfers show up.

  5. They do “know better,” because they often keep it secret.

  6. Is it “irresponsibility,” or mere arrogance?

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