Some accuse me of being a Negative Nancy when it comes to Sioux Falls, but I will give credit, when credit is due.

Teri Ellis Schmidt, SMG and their teams deserve a big thumbs up for bringing in Pheasant Fest. It’s the first time SD hosted the event (that really should be here every year) and the largest convention the city has ever seen. We are expecting over 30,000 visitors.

But let’s just be honest here, unlike Garth Brooks who stripped over $7 million from our community in a matter of days, Pheasant fest will bring in millions in economic impact that will truly get re-circulated in our community! And that is something to celebrate and praise.

5 Thoughts on “Bravo to the Sioux Falls CVB!

  1. “Peasant or not, we shall all eat and enjoy the pleasantries of ‘pheasant under glass!’….. Dilly Dilly!”

    (an other verse from Bill Bard’s, ‘The Son of Brookings’)

  2. Now thats a big cock.

  3. The D@ily Spin on February 14, 2018 at 5:10 pm said:

    Ok, censure LJL.
    Where will they stay? There’s not enough hotels.

  4. kelo had a news story at 6 saying there are still vacancies at hotels this weekend. they may get 30,000 visitors, but i’d guess a good portion of them will be local.

  5. Fuzzy math.

    Sioux Falls has less than 6,000 rooms for lodging.

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