4 Thoughts on “Guest Toon: Sioux Empire Podcast

  1. I heard that ‘My Pillow’ works best for this problem…. And perhaps a name change to ‘Sonic’ is in order too….. Oh, and has anyone heard any noise from or about the State Theatre lately as well?

    This whole story is like some people living in a new big yellow house complaining that the kids across a street at the City park are making too much noise….. (Hahahaha, time to get the Supreme Court involved, I am afraid……)

  2. The D@ily Spin on March 1, 2018 at 9:42 am said:

    The ICON was there first. The city should not have approved residential next to entertainment. There’s a reason the Denty, stadiums, SanfordPlex etc. are where they are. The reason for a condo beside a bar is so you can get wasted and walk (instead of drive) home. Aren’t these units more valuable because of the ICON?

  3. anominous on March 1, 2018 at 11:23 am said:

    @VSG- State Theater is apparently still too broke to shovel the snow off the sidewalk.

  4. anominous,

    I know they are shoveling the roof of the ICON, however…

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