If you watch the video below you will hear Mike talk about the stable financial situation the city is in, he even admits to seeing the end of the year numbers from 2017. So why hasn’t he released these numbers? If not to the public, at least our legislative body, the city council.

But it would be helpful to the candidates who are running for city council and mayor so they can discuss how they will budget moving forward. But according to Mike it doesn’t matter because the candidates are liars and idiots. Of course he doesn’t use that terminology but does say they are sideline quarterbacks that are saying things that are ‘untrue’. You know, because no one does a better job of hoodwinking the public like he does.

How are the candidates supposed to give us their vision for the city if you sit on important information like this?

I have a feeling Mike and his financial team are busy ‘massaging’ the numbers. Which is stupid anyway. It’s not the administration’s fault if sales tax revenue is down, that’s just reality. A word the mayor struggles with.

He often wonders why people are critical of the things he does, it’s because he continually hides information from the public. Release the end of the year numbers without a fancy circus press conference. The public deserves to see how we did last year.

3 Thoughts on “Mayor Huether admits to having 2017 end of the year financials, continues to selfishly sit on it.

  1. The D@ily Spin on February 8, 2018 at 3:17 pm said:

    If Mayoral candidates knew how bad city financials are, some might withdraw from the race. This is a mess the next mayor wil get blamed for.

  2. My goodness gracious, we won’t have to hear this crap again in 3 months.

  3. His history of 1936 is such a farce. He will do anything to keep his legacy of wasting money on playthings in his version of what’s good. MMM is so pathetic and he reminds us every time he has one of these pressers.

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