South DaCola

A (Partial Training) Safety report about Falls Park released

What’s the point of giving us something that isn’t even complete? Seriously?!

It’s like the siding report and settlement all over again.

On top of that, it wasn’t even a real audit. That took place in 2013.

Well at least one city employee apologized for his lie . . . uh . . . I mean error;

In an email from Emergency Manager Regan Smith late Wednesday, he said he errored in calling the 2016 review an audit when addressing the media on March 19.

“I inadvertently called it an audit and did not clarify that the SDPAA findings were relayed orally to the city team in 2016,” Smith said. “But I felt it was important to make myself available regarding safety measures taken at our city’s namesake and that no additional recommendations were made in 2016 beyond those implemented in 2013.”

If you can’t trust the Risk Manager, who can you trust?

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