How many episodes of ‘Get Smart’ has the mayor watched? Not many apparently;

The results of the work conducted by the SDPAA in 2016 were conveyed only generally at the time of the review. The SDPAA has not disseminated a report to the City.

Did the report self-destruct after five seconds? How do you take recommendations from a report if you neither get to see the full report or even have a copy of it? The lies from City Hall just keep adding up. Go, Go, Gadget Pinocchio nose!

2 Thoughts on “City acts like Falls Park Safety Report is like a self destructing message

  1. It probably means the Falls is not safe. Or, for national security reasons, the report is “Eyes Only”……. Perhaps, aliens have informed our political leaders that they now prefer the Falls over Devil’s Tower for their next landing and people should stay away, and be kept in the dark…. (This might also explain ThuneHaken’s cloak too….(?))

  2. The D@ily Spin on March 28, 2018 at 2:11 pm said:

    Ah, the Siouxper Nero Mayor. A broken watch is right once a day. His watch was never right.

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