South DaCola

Does knowing the obvious qualify you to be mayor of Sioux Falls?

Newsflash! Newsflash!

For the last eight years, our city’s government has been characterized by closed-door politics, flashy construction projects and a disregard for basic issues that effect our entire community. Our city’s crime rate has been steadily climbing. There’s a significant shortage of affordable housing and we don’t have enough young workers to fill the available jobs in our city. We need a mayor that will address these obvious issues and will help Sioux Falls continue to be a great place for anyone to live and work.

I believe that Paul TenHaken is the best person to address these issues and lead our city into the 2020’s.

So if Mr. TenHaken has known about these things for the past 8 years, where has he been to battle this administration in the trenches like some of the rest of us? Not only Paul, but what about Jolene and Jim?

Actually Jim celebrates the past 8 years.

The next mayor should not only be aware of where we are coming from, but they must also have the experience of dealing with this current debacle that encompasses city hall.

When the books are opened on May 16, 2018, we may find all kinds of surprises.

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