If you watch the City Council meeting last night you will see councilor Rolfing up to his normal head shaking, I am right attitude with his right hand man, Mike ‘Rude Boy’ Huether returning to run the meeting.
It didn’t take long for Mike to insult someone at public input, accusing a local attorney of not being ‘organized’. In fact, the attorney was doing what a good attorney does, speaking slow and methodically to present his case. But Mr. Ramrod wasn’t having it, luckily though councilor Stehly was able to extend his time.
So after 8 long years of MMM and his lap dog Rex Rolfing, imagine my surprise when I heard Rex was running in my district (13) for the House race. SAY IT AIN’T SO!
I have already threatened to register Republican so I can vote for Noem in the primary, but with this latest revelation, I could also use my switcheroo to vote against Rolfing.
Please, my Republican friends, let’s retire this disaster of a public servant on May 15th for good.