A Democratic candidate for Minnehaha County Auditor, Rose Grant will be running. Rose serves on the City of Sioux Falls Audit Advisory Committee, and has practiced as a CPA in Sioux Falls since 2000. She worked with East, VanDerWoudie and currently with her own firm Grant & Williams.


2 Thoughts on “Rose Grant. Elect an Auditor, Auditor

  1. The D@ily Spin on March 23, 2018 at 9:47 pm said:

    Thankyou for the info. Anyone presently associated with corrupt city government doesn’t get my vote.

  2. Judy Judy Judy on March 26, 2018 at 2:14 am said:

    Dear Daily Spin,

    I understand your animosity toward the current Administration but I know that there are good people who volunteer to serve us without pay or reward and who simple lend their expertise to City governement to help it work well for all of us. If they knew what you know they quite likely would withhold their service but most do not know. To disqualify the hundreds of people who serve on one of the City’s many volunteer boards is arguably unfair. It is certainly unfair to Rose Grant, whom I know, and who only wants to make sure our govenment works efficiently and for everyone.

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