Woot! Woot! There is only ONE meeting this time around, the regular Council meeting, and it doesn’t have much.
Item#1, approval of contracts, apparently our own parks department can’t bother themselves to mow the grounds around our water plants, we contract it out.
Item#48, Inclusion Resolution, I guess the mayor had to get one more feel good thing in before he left. While I certainly think that there isn’t anything wrong with this resolution, it really doesn’t mean a hill of beans coming from an administration that has totally ignored our social issues in this community for an entire 8 years.
The next mayor and council need to move forward with putting some legislative teeth into inclusiveness, not just words on a piece of paper.
With 70+ employees, why can’t Parks mow. I’m hoping the next mayor takes a serious look at this. Kearney needs dismissal. The inclusions thing might be a way for Huether to escape from responsible Strong Mayor.
Items 9 & 10 – looks like we can soon have a beer or wine with our popcorn at the West Mall 7. I’ll drink to that!