South DaCola

Sioux Falls City Council Candidate Brekke to have press conference on Monday about government secrecy

“I have never seen anything like this in City Government” former Sioux Falls City Attorney Janet Brekke said Friday. “I am very concerned about the culture of secrecy which currently prevails in City government.”

While on the campaign trail Brekke has heard numerous complaints by citizens regarding the inability to get public information out of City Hall, as well as allegations of doctoring or tampering with documents.

“As a former City Attorney, I am aware of procedures that were put in place when this government was implemented that were designed to hold government officials accountable for their actions and to leave a paper tail of official actions” said Janet Brekke. “I have researched these procedures and will share my findings publicly on Monday, April 2, 2018 at the Downtown Public Library at 10:00 a.m.

In preparation for running for City Council Janet Brekke interviewed each of the current City Council members and City Directors. To prepare, she returned to consistently attending City Council meetings October, 2017. Brekke was City Attorney under five Sioux Falls mayors, beginning with Rick Knobe.

Brekke adds “In addition I have observed City Council members complaining of having incomplete information before being required to make major decisions. This must be corrected.”

Brekke will answer questions presented by the attendees and will be available following the press conference for interviews.


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